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Re: [ARSCLIST] 78rpm archaeology project

Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Oliver Mueller-Heubach" <ommuel@xxxxxx>
For my two final papers/proposal, I am writing a semifictional lead-in from
perspective of a 78, from pressing to excavation by an archaeologist. This
of intro actually has a bit of precedence among archaeologists, though they
usually write from the point of view of human agents. I have been watching the
National Telefilms "Making Records with Duke Ellington" short and am
wondering- was each batch of shellac compound really put into a press by hand
or was it much more mechanized and they just showed the waffle-iron press to
elucidate the process? I assume the label is applied after the record emerges
from the press..or?

A "biscuit" (a more-or-less round piece of shellac compound, which would
be "squished" into a shellac-compound phonorecord...) was placed in the
"press" (which consisted of both stampers). The two labels were also
placed...one on top, one on the bottom...in the press. The result was
(almost always) a pressed phonorecord, including not only both sides
but also the labels therefor...!

Steven C. Barr

There were some other processes..check out "FerroSheen" (sp?) used by Cook Laboratories, and if I'm not mistaken the labels on many styrene pressings appear to have been attached (sorta) after the fact, given how many of them fall off.


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