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Re: [ARSCLIST] A Holiday vision

I have no doubt that you could time-shift this statement backwards about 100 years and someone in 1907 would have said the same thing about the perilously declining quality of popular music in their day. Why even bother with so many words when you could just scowl, shake your fist and say "Kids these days..." and achieve the same effect?

Ethan Clauset

Steven C. Barr wrote:

Further, having been an (attempted) blues musicianer since c.1986, and having personally "ear-observed" the inevitable descent of pop music and "indie <wotever>" over the past decade or two (basically, ever since the rise of "punk rock" made it acceptable to play music badly in public settings...?!)...I tend to hold serious doubts as to the "preserve-worthiness" of most "independent" music of the last decade or two...if not more...?!

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