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Re: [ARSCLIST] A Holiday vision

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "phillip holmes" <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Saved from what?  There are plenty of copies around and people still
> listening to it.  That means, that for the time being, it doesn't need
> to be preserved.  There are works at greater risk, right?
> Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
> > Well,I for one,think there is quite a bit of indie rock from the 90s that is
well worth saving.
> >
Further, having been an (attempted) blues musicianer since c.1986, and
having personally "ear-observed" the inevitable descent of pop music
and "indie <wotever>" over the past decade or two (basically, ever
since the rise of "punk rock" made it acceptable to play music badly
in public settings...?!)...I tend to hold serious doubts as to the
"preserve-worthiness" of most "independent" music of the last
decade or two...if not more...?!

However...it WILL be preserved! It is an inevitable "given" that
each generation...in fact, each INDIVIDUAL...will be driven by
personal nostalgia to preserve the music (et al) of his/her/its
"younger days," when life seemed simpler and "little blue pills"
weren't needed to augment one's bedroom performance! Thus worketh
the human species...!

If the music of one's youth...regardless of how good or bad it
may have been...brings back happy memories (or at least happier
memories than one's current life experience provides...?!) the
aforementioned music will be preserved (and sold as "Genuine
Collectibles" on e-wotsit or wotever takes its place down the
digital road...?!)

Steven C. Barr

(Hey, in theory, I should be nostalgic for "the fifties"...?!
The reality is/was that I HATED the fifties...they were a totally-
conformist era, in which "Senator Joe"(McCarthy) became a great
hero...FEH!! If anything, I'm nostalgic for the 1967-71 era...?!)

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