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Re: [ARSCLIST] A Holiday vision

Well,I for one,think there is quite a bit of indie rock from the 90s that is well worth saving. 


phillip holmes <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Well, it's not like Matador needs to be archived, or not yet.

Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
> I bet I'm the only other person here who knows who Matador is.
>                                             Roger
> phillip holmes  wrote: My favorite new business model is the one that Matador uses.  They issue 
> vinyl, which I buy, usually recorded and mastered all analog, and they 
> give you a coupon to download the complete album for free in a decent 
> MP3 form.  I buy the records from little fringe establishments like the 
> one you mention (since we lost Tower).
> Phillip
> Marcos Sueiro Bal wrote:
>> On these days of much despair about the state of the recorded music 
>> business, or indeed music itself, and pining about everyone's 
>> (especially youth's) inability to appreciate the arts, I thought I 
>> would share a sight I had last week-end in the heart of New York City, 
>> the Times Square subway stop.
>> There was a *newly opened* independent record store, selling iPod 
>> accessories, DVDs, CDs, cassettes, and (gasp!) vinyl discs, seemingly 
>> doing brisk business.
>> Next to it there was a string quintet formed by folks in their 
>> twenties. They were surrounded by a very attentive crowd of 100+, 
>> stopping in the middle of their busy shopping errands to listen to 
>> their rendition of Mozart, played with verve and impeccable intonation.
>> Happy holidays to everyone!
>> Marcos Sueiro Bal
>> Audio and Moving-Image Archivist
>> Columbia University Libraries
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