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Re: [ARSCLIST] Internet audio: What do you expect of it ?

On 19/12/07, Scott Phillips wrote:

>     My professional experience has been that speakers had a longer life
> and sounded better when the amplifier used had a rating at least
> several times the rated maximum power for the speakers. 

I agree with that. One reason may be that speakers are a much more
difficult load for an amplifier than people realise.

> Speakers
> handle sudden short duration peak powers very, very well. It is
> clipped or long duration excess level that will kill them. The rule of
> thumb still applies regardless... If it is loud and sounds gritty,
> sloppy, or bad, turn the durn thing down until it doesn't !
>     Having higher power available is just much more practical with solid
> state amps, and just because they once sounded lousy doesn't mean they
> still do. By the way, I love tubes and some of the sonics they
> make.... I just don't confuse the way they color the sound with better
> fidelity.... Just different. More pleasing to some, less accurate to
> others. For personal use, which ever you like. For professional use:
> Use professional, well designed solid state amplifiers.
Totally agree. 

It took me a while to believe that the amp(s) need to be well above the
power recommended by the speaker manufacturers. 

Don Cox

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