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Re: [ARSCLIST] Scully Tape machine users group

Thank you, Mike, very thoughtful of you.  Howard

For anyone's information, I am a record collector, period.  I collect mainly vocal recordings but some instrumental recordings from 1898 through most of the acoustical era.    I also collect CDs of many records which I never expect or could afford to own.  I collect complete sets, and transfer them to my hard drive, usually as MP3, but more recently as WAV files, which I then merge into more or less single files.  My goal is to lose as little as possible of any fidelity or quality that may have been transferred to the CD from the original 78s in the first place.  Hence all my questions.

I have a B.S. degree in Biochemistry from the City College of the College of the City of New York, generally known as CCNY, (now CUNY) 1944, a Master of Arts degree in Bacteriology from Boston University, 1947, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Biochemistry from Georgetown University 1953.  I am retired from the United States Air Force as a Lieutenant Colonel.  I am unemployed and exepct to remain that way.

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