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Re: [ARSCLIST] Was Soviet Recordings - NOW Everest Question

I have asked this question here,and elsewhere,but have never recieved an answer.

What was the last record of new material Everest issued ? When did they go all reissue ? Was it right after Harry sold the label ?


David Lennick <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Karl Miller wrote:
> "Michael Biel m.biel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"  wrote:
> ***Are you talking about the American bargain label Olympia that was part  of the Everest-Tradition-etc. group that we used to see in college  bookstores??
> While there may have been LPs, all I know are CDs. They included recordings of things like the Shebalin Symphonies, Kabalevsky Piano Concertos, works of Amirov, etc. There was also an English connection as music of people like Ronald Stevenson was also offered.
> I should also add that I most sincerely appreciate the information you have shared!
> Thanks.
> Karl
The Everest label was "Olympic".


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