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Re: [ARSCLIST] Angelic sound quality? (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Cetra pressings)

I remember some of those Greensleeve issues having pretty noisy surfaces as well. And the early Angel LPs from digital masters were cut at such a low level I don't know why they bothered.


Mike Richter wrote:
Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
So what do you think of Angels from the 70s,and 80s ?

I found them unlistenable,about the time,they switched to the mustard/brown label,and that they only continued to go downhill from there.I see a lot of people listen to the sEraphimsmwhich I consider bottom of the sonic barrel.By the time they went digital,even the UK issues sucked so badly,that even that was an improvement.

We've wandered far off the original Subject, so I've changed that line.

The later Angels and Seraphims vary in quality but never reach that of the European pressings. However, for my taste they are far from the bottom of the barrel - perhaps about two-thirds down. Leave the bottom to minor labels, Everest's stereo 'enhancement' and the like.


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