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Re: [ARSCLIST] Is there a good history of EMI out there ?

On 12/11/07, Howard Friedman wrote:

> To put my oar in again, yes, Peter Martland is the "author," but I
> don't believe he can be held responsible for the entire contents,
> which were apparently written by other so-called "specialists in the
> field." Which means that they carry on the myths handed down by other
> "specialists in the field," right or wrong!

If it is true that Peter Martland is planning a more formal history of
EMI, and if you know of errors, it would be useful if you would tell him
about them.

It is astonishing how difficult it is to establish correct historical
facts. I think everyone's mind wants to simplify and romanticise
whatever happened. Hence the importance of physical, dated documents.

Don Cox

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