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[ARSCLIST] Revox A77

Can anyone give a rough guesstimate on what a Revox A77 in (supposedly) perfect condition might be worth on the market? I know that it is worth whatever one is willing to pay for it, but I could use at least some guidance based on what someone may have laid out for one in the past few years. A quick search seems to confirm that this model can be taken seriously enough for my personal purposes, but I need to know if I ought to make an offer in the low hundreds or think bigger. I can probably afford whatever is asked, but I'd rather not spend foolishly.

I am looking for a fairly decent deck and found out about one of these that is for sale locally. I would like to be able to either make a reasonable offer (on the low side) or know if the seller is setting the bar unreasonably high before I make contact with the guy with the deck. I'm totally a babe in the woods in this area, so any sort of crash course information on evaluating used Revox decks would be most appreciated.

Thanks all,

Peter Hirsch

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