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Re: [ARSCLIST] When you die...

On 03/11/07, Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Don Cox" <doncox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Personally, I think musicians should be paid by the hour like
>> everyone else. I don't get royalties for an afternoon's work that I
>> did back in 1973. Why should a guitar player?
> Actually, they are...in many cases according to wage schedules
> established by the AFM in the applicable community...!
> However, the "guitar player" receives a defined royalty...IF he/she/it
> composed the song/one of the songs being played in public for money.
> As well, should the above be the case, he/she/it could receive other
> payment when/if the song is recorded...?!
That's different. I'm talking about performance royalties, not

> The mysterious "guitar player" ONLY collects money (and usually a
> VERY small amount thereof...?!), from
> (1) ASCAP/BMI/SOCAN/usw., when his composition is used by someone
> else to make money (2) IF he/she/it was part (or all) of a group
> who were eligible for royalties related to record sales, at the
> time said record was fixed...!
This is the kind of arrangement I'm talking about.

> However, most of us "non-union players" get a fixed sume from the
> beer joint where we played (usually $200-300 for the gig, with us
> paying the amounts needed to rent PA, mikes, usw. unless we own
> same...?!). IF we have (a) current CD('s), we can flog them from
> the stage and make further amounts thereon...!
> Most likely, the only "guitar players" whose recorded performances
> generate income via c.1973 recordings are Eric Clapton and B.B. King
> (although there may be others who died some time past...?!).
> BTW, the fact that you didn't recieve royalties for work you did back
> in ninteen-and-seventy-three was because you wound up in the wrong
> line of business...?! OTOH, you were probably paid a fairly impressive
> basic amount...while the hapless musician was paid the least amount
> his/her/its beer-joint "employer" could get away with...?!
Everyone is paid the least their employer can get away with. I certainly

Wages go up only when nobody answers the job adverts.

Don Cox

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