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[ARSCLIST] NY Chapter of ARSC - so far, so good...

Hello all :-)

I just wanted to thank those folks who have responded so far to my post 
about forming a New York Chapter of ARSC.

We've already reached our "critical mass" of 10 members (needed to form a 
new chapter according to the ARSC bylaws), and then some...

There has also been some very nice encouragement and support from our Grand 
High Exalted Mystic Rulers (Peter Shambarger, Sam Brylawski, & David 
Seubert), as well as other very kind offers of organizational and 
logistical support.

We are also hoping to get an announcement into the next ARSC Journal, and 
wih any luck, we are thinking that it would be great to have some sort of 
preliminary meeting in the not-too-distant future (November?  December?  
January?) - even though we won't officially be "approved" until the March 
national ARSC meeting in Palo ALto.

NY/NJ/CT-area members can look forward to a couple of regional e-mailings 
and possibly a snail-mailing as we continue to develop our local contacts 
and come up with ideas for programming.

Again - if you haven't yet responded, feel free to write me at my personal 
e-mail - < DaveNolanAudio AT earthlink DOT net >, or my "professional" 
address of < dnolan AT 92y DOT org > - and I will be happy to add you to 
the small but growing list of folks who I will keep posted as we put the 
chapter together.

Thanks again for all the positive messages of support and interest - and 
we're looking forward to having some great programming come next year :-)

dave nolan
92nd Street Y

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