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Re: [ARSCLIST] Posting opinion in a public forum

Posting a personal opinion in a public forum has far reaching
implications, and I would hope that we all appreciate that. Posts cannot
be retracted or edited, only amended to via additional postings, which
unfortunately are not referred to in an original post. While this may
seem like a minor annoyance for some, it can mean a long lasting mark
that one may have to answer to in the future.

In regards to my personal retort to David Breneman:
I contained my original post to a review of the ARTICLE that was
written, NOT the positioning of the company.

I referred to the author, Norman Lebrecht, by name and selectively
attempted to differentiate (for the benefit of everyone else on the
list) what was publicly known fact, and what was speculative.

My problem with David Breneman's post is that if someone was to ONLY
read his post (the one in which he quoted me),  without reading my
original post OR the original article, it COULD be misinterpreted that
the Speculation I was trying to deflect could actually be taken as my
own words.

Couple this with the fact that I am an employee of said company, which
is transitioning from one owner to the next, and you may be able to see
my perspective to David Breneman's reply, and my level of concern.

Those on this list who work in Corporate or Government institutions may
have a clearer idea of what I'm talking about, but I assure you that
most interviews conducted nowadays are precluded by a quick Google
search of your name. I don't want a search on my name to state opinions
opposite to what I believe.

I appreciate that David was making a joke, and I wasn't (nor am I now)
commenting on that, but rather the way his joke may have put words in my
mouth. Words that I was in fact trying to dispel.

Had he either quoted my complete post, or omitted my posting completely,
I would have had little interest in a retort.


Don Andes
Director of Archives
EMI Music

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