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I am strictly an eBay man myself,and have been since 2000,Yeah,I still buy EMI stuff,but how much are they going to make selling 1000-copy The Good,The Bad and The Queen records to weirdos like me?


Tom Fine <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Not sure how this turned to music retailing but ...

THe era of the brick and mortar store, except for those whose whole music universe is based on 
America Idol and the like and is contained in Wal-Mart's shrinking music section, is over. I've 
bought online since the day Amazon opened.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Lennick" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] RIP: EMI

> Tom Fine wrote:
>> This says it all:
>> Creative priorities had taken second place to share price and EMI's technology was typically 
>> behind the times. The company almost went bust in 1954 by resisting long-playing records; it was 
>> the last label, in 1983, to adopt CD; and lately its download strategy has been sluggish.
> This, of course, is inaccurate. EMI resisted the long play but had definitely made the plunge long 
> before 1954. And the CD was introduced in 1982, so 1983 is not exactly "way behind the times". 
> Most CONSUMERS didn't even switch to CDs till the late 80s.
>> A company simply cannot operate that way and expect a long life. Sentimental nonsense aside, 
>> business is business.
> Being accessible is also part of business. I shed no tears for the closing of Sam The Record Man 
> (except memories, since I was wheeled into its original incarnation, Sniderman's Music Hall, in 
> 1946)..I haven't shopped in Toronto's large record stores in years because parking is impossible 
> and traffic is not worth the bother. I buy my CDs from online dealers or at large stores in 
> Buffalo and Rochester because I can get at them!
> dl

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