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[ARSCLIST] Unlocking Audio conference London 26-27 October 2007: First circular

    Unlocking Audio: Sharing Experience of Mass Digitisation 
26-27 October 2007 
The British Library Centre for Conservation, London 
  First circular 
  Unlocking Audio is an international conference exploring the planning and strategies required for the successful execution of large-scale audio digitisation projects, and the technical and practical issues involved. Aimed at actual practitioners, sharing best practice and looking at emerging standards, the event will be held at the British Library in London on Friday 26th and the morning of Saturday 27th October 2007. 
  Invited speakers include:       Kevin Bradley (National Library of Australia) 
Jonathan Leong (BBC Archives) 
Pekka Gronow (Finnish Radio archives) 
David Seubert (University of California, Santa Barbara)
  Mike Casey (University of Indiana)
  Jim Lindner (Media Matters)

  Provisional programme: 
      Friday 26th October 
0930-1000       registration 
1000-1015       welcome 
1015-1045       keynote speech 
1045-1115       coffee 
1115-1245       paper sessions  
1245-1500       lunch followed by tours of the Sound Archive technical department 
1500-1600       round table discussion 
1600-1700       paper session 
1845-1930       drinks reception 
1930-2200       dinner 
Saturday 27th October 
0830-1000       pastries and posters 
1000-1100       paper sessions 
1100-1130       coffee 
1130-1230       paper sessions 
1230-1300       closing keynote 
1300-1330       round-up forum 
1330-1430       lunch 

  Participants may be able to join optional excursions to other London sound archives and studios on Saturday afternoon after the close of the conference. Further details will be available soon.
  The event will be held at the new purpose-built facility, The Centre for Conservation, located at the main British Library site in London.  The Centre contains the technical department of the British Library Sound Archive and includes 10 new soundproof transfer studios, a recording studio, a small workshop and laboratory.
  Call for papers 
  Offers of papers are invited on the planning and execution of large scale digitisation projects, including case studies, the setting of standards, and technical methods. The offers should be submitted before 2nd July along with a title, abstract of no more than 300 words, your name and institutional affiliation, and an indication of whether the paper is an oral or poster presentation, to the contact address below.  Authors will be notified by 16th July whether their paper has been accepted for oral presentation. Space will be available for displaying posters and small exhibits during the pastries and posters session on Saturday morning.
  Commercial sponsors and exhibitors 
  If your business is interested in supporting this event, please contact the address below. 
  Accommodation and travel 
  Advice on hotels and getting to the conference venue will be issued with the registration form. 
  The conference registration fee is £75, which includes the conference abstracts, receptions, lunches, refreshments, and breakfast on Saturday 27th but excludes the dinner on Friday 26th. The charge for the dinner is £35. 
  Please do not send payment now.
  In order to register your interest, please send your name, the name and address of your organisation and email address before 30th June 2007 to: 
      Alison Faraday, 
?Unlocking Audio?
The British Library
96 Euston Road
London NW1 2DB
United Kingdom 
  Fax: + 44 (0)207 412 7777
Email: alison.faraday@xxxxx 

  Places are strictly limited to 50 delegates. If the event is oversubscribed, we may have to limit the numbers attending from each institution. Applicants will be notified by July 6th if they have been successful in gaining a place.  The deadline for payment of registration fees and the optional dinner will be 10th August. 
27th October is the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. 


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