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Re: [ARSCLIST] Cedar

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "D P Ingram" <darren@xxxxxxxxx>
> On 26 maj 2007, at 03.01, Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:
> > Can programs created specifically for non-Wintel systems generate
> > the necessary sales to ensure profitability...?!
> Or the question could be, is Windows the best platform to base these  
> on, as other affordable and maybe more reliable systems exist...
"Reliable" I'll concur with...though I have had very few crashes in
almost two decades of running Windows (3.1,3.11,95,98...). Affordable,
however, is a horse of a different question! It is both simple and
cheap to buy not-quite-state-of-the-art Wintel machines which include
Windows and may include applications (if bought from original owners)
for prices running from $499 (dual-core Pentium, 2GB memory, with WinXP,
250GB HD) to the c.$150 range...I rarely see discounted Macs!

Of course, one could buy a no-o/s system ($50 to $150) and install
Linux as on o/s...but that, for me, would involve a "learning curve!"

However, if I could find the right learning tools, and a book/list
related to Pentium op codes, I suppose I could write my OWN o/s...
I doubt if many modern-day virus creators program on a chip-language

Then again, I'm already 64.5, so it's open to question if I have the
time to program on that level (mainly learning HOW!) myownself...


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