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Re: [ARSCLIST] Moving Sound Recording Collections

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tara Kennedy" <tara.d.kennedy@xxxxxxxx>
> Hello ARSC Folks-
> Are there people on this listserv who have recently gone through a 
> move/ relocation of their audio collections? I am looking to see how 
> other institutions have handled moves of fragile audio 
> collections.  Also, if anyone has come across citations that talk 
> about the fragility of older audio materials and the importance of 
> careful handling and moving, that would be extremely helpful.  Feel 
> free to respond to the list or to me off list.
Okeh...I'll try "all of the above!"

First important point:  IF the collection, or portions thereof, are
stored an any sort of specific order...ENSURE they are re-stored in
that exact same order! I moved about 300 milk boxes full of 78's...
which had been carefully arranged in label/number order, with some
exceptions...and the amateur "movers" simply piled them up in "as
we carried them off the truck" order! Net result, I no longer know
exactly where things are...!

Second...when moving fragile (or even "breakable"...i.e. 78's) items,
ensure they are tightly packed into sturdy containers! Those of my 78's
that didn't survive were in partially-full boxes...allowing them to move
around and thus, in a number of cases, break!

Third...carefully consider exactly what (in the sense of format) is
being moved...and what condfitions of travel should be if at all
possible avoided! Tapes and cassettes must avoid exposure to magnetic
fields...shellac records are breakable, and as well should not be
exposed to heat for long periods...vinyl records can irreparebly warp
at (not too) high temperatures...and I have NO idea what applies to
CD's as well as CD-R/CD-RW discs.

Steven C. Barr

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