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Re: [ARSCLIST] 'New' solution for sticky shed

Peter, Richard, Jim,

Thanks for the detailed replies. the Tape Op message board is populated
primarily by home recordists so folklore and home brew solutions abound. We
have all heard about miraculous cures for SSS, but those of us who actually
work with sticky tapes seem to always come back to baking, and like Jim
says, migrate the content to another more stable carrier. Frankly, I suspect
an agenda beyond curing sticky shed in the post I referred to, I was hoping
someone might be interested in responding to the claims on the Tape Op
board. I'm not sure it's worth the time, but it does seem important to set
the record straight and I don't have the expertise to do so.

Konrad Strauss
Director of Recording Arts
Associate Professor of Music
Jacobs School of Music
Indiana University

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