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Re: [ARSCLIST] 'New' solution for sticky shed

Hello, Konrad,

I understand your point, but when someone is ready they will come over here from TapeOp and rec.audio.pro.

I just got asked if I was hallucinating on the Studer list for saying something similar to what Jim said and was told that analog is alive and well and being widely used--I think I might have finally gotten my point across of "fine if you want to use analog, also make a simultaneous digital copy, 'cause archiving analog today is an unnecessary cost burden on the archive and on the future".

I will gladly share and accept knowledge with/from this group, but there are other groups who "know it all" such as the reel-to-reel group where the opinion is "two-track is junk, give me quarter track". Life is too short to even attempt to educate some of these groups. They live in their own parallel universe.

I have a client right now who is spending lots of his money with me to take a 1/4-track and 1/2-track mixed 7.5 in/s analog master and make a 15 in/s 2-track analog master to cut a disc from. He won't let me do the cleanup and editing in the DAW as he doesn't want it touched by digital--though I'm sending him a 96/24 ref copy to see if he wants me to proceed with the expensive analog recording--expensive as he has to bear the full cost of the record alignment of the machine as there is no other client to amortize it over. I haven't done an analog recording in three years.

I think we all need to take to heart what Jim said. In correspondence with Ric Bradshaw, he wondered why archives did not get content off failing carriers 20 years ago when it would have been easier. He doesn't subscribe to "define a perfect storage environment and it will last forever" either.

Thanks, Jim, for the detailed explanation and the market research. I, too, in my small way, am working on cheap, easy, and effective ways to play lots of tapes. I'm looking at "massively parallel" operations (i.e. I need a justification for the 16 tracks of digitization that I have <smile>) and I hope next week to be ingesting four reels and four cassettes simultaneously--two channels each. I think the cold playing is an easy solution to the squealing tape problem.

The other thing to consider is that some/much of the content while interesting and important is not the pinnacle of quality. While quality matters, the last dB or % of quality matters less for a large segment of recordings. For example, in a lecture recording that is already flawed by bad mic placement and lots of room rumble, finessing fractions of a dB are far less important than making an excellent (albeit not absolute perfection) copy and capturing the thoughts represented in that lecture. In fact, the more I look at the numbers, the less I am sure that you can get absolute perfection because the recording process is less well defined than we would like to think.

I have asked the question in some of my presentations over the last half dozen years: "Will our grandchildren be happier if we saved more at slightly lower (but adequate) quality or less at an extreme pinnacle of quality?" Somehow, I always think the answer is "more" rather than "absolute highest quality"...but I could be wrong.



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm
Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

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