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Re: [ARSCLIST] SACD fans -- some discounts

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Graeme Jaye" <graemejaye@xxxxxxxxx>
Let's try this again...
I tried to post:
> Hi Bob
> On 02/05/2007 you wrote;
> BO> The only thing that can "fix" the music business is a resurgence
> BO> of truly great live music that kids will encounter and can afford
> BO> to go out and hear more of.
> Very true - but it doesn't address the questions as to where to play
> and who is going to pay for it?
In theory...that question was supposed to be answered by the creation
of musicians' unions. However, what happened was that "union musicians"
became unaffordable for most smaller/local venues, which have to make
a profit on live music vs. sales in order to remain viable.

For musicians playing for "below scale," music has to be a part-time
*A*vocation...not a full-time *V*ocation! This means virtually all local
"bar bands" have members with "day gigs." There are a few better-paying
venues, but they hire better-known "name" acts who can usually draw
larger crowds. The other sad fact is that groups who play in genres that
are no longer in demand are doomed to seldom get work...!

Steven C. Barr
(who hasn't been hired for a paying blues gig for a couple of years, but
who gets compliments from the audience when playing as a guest...)

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