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Re: [ARSCLIST] Need help with a Revox A77 [?] in Chicago


Look elsewhere for azimuth affecting one channel more than the other -- unless you have a defective head where the two channels are not properly aligned.

For a discussion and demo of azimuth, please see:

I've stayed out of the discussion because there are so many ways that you could have problems in the A77 setup after Mr. Fixit looked at it. You might have had some before, but to have it $300 worse is pretty annoying.

I also have to say with pro machines going for not a lot more than the A77, you really should consider a pro machine. The problem is they need repair, too (I've just spent about 30 hours on an older Studer A80 but I am starting to reap rewards. It's now time to clean, demag, and align. (It's ironic: the A80 and A77 are from the same era).



At 05:27 PM 2007-04-07, Paul Tyler wrote:
Ah, there's another word of which I was ignorant. Is the azimuth related to the alignment? Could that be why one of the channels is way muddier than the other?


phillip holmes <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Paul,
Could be the playback head's azimuth was mis-adjusted (?).

Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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