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[ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Boston Pops question

  The 1947 Fiedler/Pops recording of Gaite Parisienne, in addition to the 78 
and 45 releases and Camden CAL-438, was also one of Victor's first LPs -- 
LM-1001. As one would expect, it was deleted soon after the 1954 recording 
(LM-1817) was issued. 

  I agree about the sound of the majority of Camden LP transfers. Compared to 
the 78 originals, they're too often poor -- thin and colorless. At least the 
orchestral items. However, some Camdens of post-World War II 78s weren't bad 
(Stokowski/Hollywood Bowl and NY City Center, Goossens/Cincinnati, et cetera). 

  Don Tait

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Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
The 1954 one is one of the first three records RCA made for commercial release.The Lp (LSC-1817),came out four years later.It is one of the legendary Living Stereos.Before it was reissued by Classic Records in the late 90s,it sold for as high as $850.00-$900.00.Now it runs about $350.00.(I bought mine at a Sallie Army.)It was also issued on a stereo reel tape,in 1956.There are some very good transfers of 78s on Camden.I own most of them,which I bought in a single group for twenty bucks.I do not have the "Gaite",but most of the Camdens are 78 transfers.I would assume it is the '47,but I think there is an earlier "Gaite", by Fiedler,that dates from the late 30s,but I may be mistaken.I have not seen a complete discography of Fiedler,like I have for Koussevitsky,or Munch.(This would go back to 1933 or '34.)

LM 1817 is the 1954 recording. June 18, 1954. This was the second recording, the first being the 78 version on June 20, 1947 (issued on standard shellac and red vinyl). The third recording, in Living Stereo, was May 22, 1958: LM/LSC 2267. (Also on tape formats, for those who care: KCS 4015, R8S 1003, FTC 2045, R8S 5014.) If LM 1817 was issued in stereo, it's not listed and I can't imagine why it WOULD have been issued with that number since there was a new remake. But stereo masters did exist for the 1954 recording, since it appeared in the 60s on Victrola VIC/VICS 1012 and you've noted a stereo tape issue (which isn't in my printed discography, but neither is CAL 438 which started this thread).

Good transfers of 78s on Camden? Toscanini's Beethoven 7th, if they didn't reverb it up (I liked that transfer years ago but I haven't listened to it for a long time). I find virtually all of those Camdens unlistenable today. Even when they were new they were so full of wow and horrible muddy EQ they turned me off many legendary 78 performances till I found the originals.


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