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Re: [ARSCLIST] analog tape cleaning


Jim Walsh of Ampex recommended using Pellon fabric (available in sheets of various weights at fabric shops, but also seen some time ago as ribbons of various widths on spools for tape cleaning). Pellon is a non-woven synthetic fabric (i.e., one that does not shed). It's been useful here for mild deposits from "sticky-shed" syndrome (which I seem to have had the dubious honor of "discovering" -- never wish for "fame" -- your wish might be granted) and for cleaning dust and dirt. The main caution is to set up your cleaning so that the debris captured does not fall into the works of your machine and cause problems that you didn't have before.

I'd recommend avoiding use of most foreign substances (others may know of beneficial ones) and of paper towels, cloths of normal fabrics such as cotton, or anything else that would shed and thus create dust or debris and making sure to do the least possible to achieve one's purpose (one can always repeat a cleaning run, but it's a bit difficult, if not impossible, to put back anything that's rubbed off that shouldn't be, such as the oxide that contains the recorded signal).

Cleaning cassettes is a task that gives me the horrors; I'd recommend seeking an expert for such work if one has more than half a dozen. It's gaining safe access to the tape itself that's the issue in this sort of task. I believe it may be your teacher who was the expert recommended to me by several colleagues for cleaning and rehousing audiocassettes.

I hope you'll hear from some of those on the list who have developed machines and special techniques for tape cleaning, as I've learned a good deal from them via this list.

Sincerely, Richard

At 12:20 AM 4/4/2007, you wrote:
Hello all,

I am joining several of my classmates in seeking the wisdom of folks
on this list...  I am researching cleaning procedures for analog tape
and cassettes. What types of issues are involved here?  How do you go
about the process of cleaning tape, if you do?  If not, why?  Are
there products or procedures you would recommend or, conversely, avoid?

We are assembling a guide as part of a class assignment (due April
17).  Any information or resources you could point out would be
greatly appreciated. Please feel free to email me off list -

Thank you very much,
Laura Mundee
MSIS Candidate
School of Information, University of Texas at Austin

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