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Re: [ARSCLIST] Preserving AV Media Workshop

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ferguson, Kelly" <Kferguson@xxxxxxxxx>
> A Race Against Time:  Preserving Our Audiovisual Media 
> Presented by:
> The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) 
> Cosponsored by PALINET 
> Washington, DC
> April 24 & 25, 2007
> Cleveland, OH
> October 24 & 25, 2007 
Sadly, I'm not an institution (though there are those who feel I
might BELONG in one...) but I do have a personal archive of about
40-50,000 78rpm records. And a "stipend" would be most useful, as
I'm struggling to survive on my pension money...

Steven C. Barr

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