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Re: [ARSCLIST] well, this might explain why so many sonic treasures languish in government warehouses

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx>
> I will agree with you,that this is the case,in 2007,but it was not always the
case. At one time Leopold Stokowski and Philadelphia Orchestra,and Toscanini and
The NBC Symphony were on regular AM commercial radio,and later,in the case of
Toscanini,television every week.Look at the wealth of classical music television
clips on YouTube,that originally appeared on US TV,in the 50s 60s,and early 70s.
> The phonograph,and the radio,were supposed to be the great cultural
equalizer.in bringing "high culture" to the masses.This was pretty much the
case,up until roughly the early 80s.One could argue that was the only medial
that was avalable,but I would beg to differ.I believe Americans are generally
less educated,and less cultural than they were fifty years ago.
> In many areas,they are not merely ignorant,but downright stupid.
Apparently, popular culture works much like economics...there is a
"law" (forget whose) that runs "bad money drives out good money"
and that has certainly become true of popular culture ever since
television took over most peoples' existences...!

Steven C. Barr

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