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Re: [ARSCLIST] Storing 16" transcription discs

Thank you for your replies. The discs have 70 speeches and radio addresses of a past political figure (I do not know if I have to be secretive, but just in case. No one famous). They all have metal cores.

I did what I should have done before I posted, and searched the ARSCList archives, which led me to http://www.metaledgeinc.com. Looks like the best thing will be sleeves in boxes, as usual.

The foil sleeves in which they are now do seem pretty good, however. There was no imprinting on the discs, and most of them were in good shape. The sleeves are probably these: http://www.conservationresources.com/Main/section_6/section6_07.htm.


Tom Fine wrote:
Hi Marcos:

If you don't mind me asking, what's on 'em?

As to your question, my brother has quite a few transcriptions, both metal-core and glass-core from WWII. He stores them in the old-style heavy paper sleeves and then in the old-style metal boxes that hold I think 25 each. He's had them at least 25 years and they were given to him in that condition and were about 25-30 years old at the time, so this storage method seems OK over time.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Marcos Sueiro Bal" <mls2137@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 2:14 PM
Subject: [ARSCLIST] Storing 16" transcription discs

Dear all,

I am currently surveying a collection of 1950s 16" transcription
discs. They have been stored flat in foil-lined paper sleeves and
are generally in pretty good shape.

I have two questions for those with the knowledge:

1. Are there storage concerns specific for 16-inchers? Does their
extra mass affect the recommendation for vertical storage (for
example, shelving with dividers closer together)?

2. Is anyone familiar with foil-lined sleeves? I have not seen any
imprinting or other problems with the discs, but is there concern
of outgassing or any other problems? Would you recommend something
a little stiffer?

Thank you in advance to all of you.


Marcos Sueiro Bal
Audio/Moving Image Project Archivist
Columbia University Libraries

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