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Re: [ARSCLIST] Yo' pod

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Steven C. Barr(x) wrote (cut):

............ archiving text-message traffic would require appropriately young
> "translators" to keep track of the abrvns...!
> Steven C. Barr
> (even though a lot of them haven't changed since I was K9JOO, working
> 15M CW...)

----- some things never change or they get re-invented. The mould for the 
strange faces that you see in e-mails (and SMS-messages) is actually to be 
found in "Typewri-Toons", a feature article published in MAD Magazine 
sometime in the 1960s. The expressions used by ham operators are very vivid: 
a death notice is introduced with the words "silent key". CW indeed. What 
would we use to describe a record collector with Alzheimer's? Perhaps "his 
needle has dulled".

Kind regards,


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