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[ARSCLIST] Reminder: ARSC Research Grants Program

The following message has been posted by the Outreach Committee of the
Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC). If you have any
questions, please click on the link or e-mail address below. Please DO NOT
simply hit REPLY or post further messages to this list.

Deadline for receipt of applications: February 28, 2007

The ARSC Research Grants Program supports scholarship and publication in the fields of sound recording research and audio preservation. (This program is separate from the ARSC Preservation Grants Program, which encourages and supports the preservation of historically significant sound recordings of Western Art Music.) Project categories eligible for consideration include: discography, bibliography, historical studies of the sound recording industry and its products, and any other subject likely to increase the public's understanding and appreciation of the lasting importance of recorded sound. ARSC encourages applications from individuals whose research forms part of an academic program at the master's or doctoral level.

ARSC members and non-members alike are eligible for grants in amounts up to
$1000. Grant funds can be used to underwrite clerical, editorial, and travel
expenses. Funds may not be used to purchase capital equipment or recordings,
to reimburse applicants for work already performed, or to support projects
that form part of a paid job. Grant recipients must submit documentation of
their expenses, and all grant funds must be disbursed within eighteen months
of the grant award.

Grant recipients are required to submit brief descriptions of their projects
(for publication in the ARSC Journal), and are encouraged to submit articles
about their projects, for possible publication in the Journal.

Research Grant Applications shall include:
-- a summary of the project (one page maximum), with samples of the work, if
-- a budget covering the entire project, highlighting the expenses the ARSC
Grant will cover (one page maximum);
-- a curriculum vitae; and
-- an indication of the prospects for publication or other public
dissemination of the project results.

Grant awards will be announced at the annual business meeting of ARSC, after
having been approved at the spring meeting of the ARSC Board of Directors.

Send applications to: Richard Warren Jr., ARSC Grants Committee Chair,
Historical Sound Recordings, Yale University Library, P.O. Box 208240, New
Haven, CT  06520-8240, USA. Applications for the next grant cycle must be
received by February 28, 2007.

For more information, visit:

Questions about the Research Grants Program should be directed to Mr. Warren
at richard.warren@xxxxxxxxx

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