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Re: [ARSCLIST] Tape transport gentleness was delicacy WAS reel choices was help in fair pricing of reel to reel machines

Hello, Jeffrey,

By "delicate" I assume you mean in the way they handle tape, not in their propensity to break when looked at the wrong way. I prefer "gentle" to "delicate".

In my experience, I think the Otari MTR-10/12 is about as gentle as an Ampex 350/440.

The Studer A810 and A807 are generally fine, although the A810 doesn't like 3" reels with triple play tape all that much and may do nasty things to that combination, whereas the A807 probably won't and the Sony APR won't if adjusted properly.

The Ampex ATR-100 has a mixed reputation. The Studer A80 and A820 have excellent reputations, but I've never owned any of these three.

For smaller reels, a Nagra IV is reputed to be very gentle.

I don't think I've ever damaged a tape on an APR, however. I had one scary scene with a 3" reel on an A810. As they say, your mileage may vary.

IMHO, there are only a few mainstream(ish) tape machines that should show up in a high-end transfer suite:
Studer A820, A816, A80, A812, A810
Sony APR-5003/5003v (late models or a late model 5002)
Ampex ATR-100, AG-440, AG-350 (the latter two with mods)
Nagra IV, T-Audio
Stellavox (various models, not sure, I wouldn't seek one out)
Telefunken (High-end studio machines--apparently some had oil distribution plumbing)
Otari POSSIBLY MTR-15 or MTR-20

Of these, the only ones I've ever owned have been A810, APR, and a 350/440 Ampex hybrid, so I don't know them all from personal experience. I've probably missed a few, but this is my general thinking at the moment based partially on hearsay. It's not something I'm worrying about since I am well ensconced in APR and A810 hardware--enough to last the rest of my life, I think.



At 03:29 PM 2007-01-24, you wrote:
A bit of a tangent; what transports do you find to be most delicate beyond
the Sony? I had high expectations for the Studer A807 but find it's not
quite as gentle as I hoped it'd be although a huge step up from consumer
decks like the Technics RS-15xx series.

Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm
Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

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