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[ARSCLIST] Reminder: ARSC Conference Travel Grants

The following message has been posted by the Outreach Committee of the
Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC). If you need further
information, please click on the link or e-mail address below. Please DO NOT
simply hit REPLY or post further messages to this list.


Application Deadline: January 30, 2007

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections is now accepting applications
for ARSC Conference Travel Grants to be awarded in 2007.

Grant recipients are awarded:
-- complimentary registration for the entire ARSC Annual Conference
-- gratis registration for the Pre-Conference Workshop, and
-- reimbursement up to US$750 to defray the expenses of transportation and

The grant requirements are detailed here:

For more information, please e-mail: LouiseS@xxxxxxxxxx

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