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Re: [ARSCLIST] Libraries disposing of records

Hi Scott,
Very little.Most of the best bands from the 90s/00s,are those doing older styles of music.(And there aren't a lot.)Blur,being the most obvious example.Their canon,represents many diverse styles of British rock,from roughly 1966-81,or so.Damon's other outfit,Gorillaz,is basically exploring the same territory The Clash did,on "Sandinista !",or the first few  Big Audio Dynamite records.The White Stripes,are basically doing early 70s glitter/early metal. Green Day 70s punk,and a US version of what Blur are doing.These are the most obvious examples,but there are more.The two best bands from this decade,IMHO,are Jet, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jATrcE2UMkc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjPb2HJl0Co ,and A Hawk and a Hacksaw.Now what are Jet ? Jet are doing pre-punk/post-60s British/Aussie rock.AC/DC with brains,Faces,"Exile" period Stones,post-"Tommy" Who,Masters Apprentices,The Coloured Balls,etc..They are a great band,but could easily be plopped into 1972,with no
 problem.This is true of all these bands.All of whom,have high dollar vinyl releases to their name.A Hawk and a Hacksaw, though classified by some as rock,is  Heather Trost,and her husband Trost,is an outstanding traditional gypsy violinist,accompanied by her husband on accordian.He can make that accordian sound like a chamber orchestra,or a klezmer band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZJ-Pq5ee5I  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l80qXA3EsVg But most of what you hear hyped as great rock nowawdays,sounds like some bad hometown bar band from the 80s.

                                   Roger Kulp
Scott Phillips <scottp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Quite right ! In its own way an effect, neither wrong or right, as long
as you like how it sounds. Then again, clearly you have hear both sides
of that coin..!

I was listening the night before last to 60's / 70's / 80's rock and it
suddenly struck me how many of them were adventurous with instruments
and playing styles, say a sitar (insert your favorite instrument) played
in a non-traditional way. Where is anything like that now? Was there a
sudden black plague that killed all the non classical musicians ? I
missed it some how, but I miss them..... 

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