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Re: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Dating LPs ?:Silvertone Records/Milstein

Interesting, that Silvertone list. A few small errors (Claramae Turner is Claramoe in most entries, Vivien Della Chiesa is missing her middle name, Ines Carillo is Innes a few times) and after #229 it appears to be the older Columbia-pressed Silvertone label. And I didn't know they put out any children's records..a couple there by Bud Collyer.

I think they may have obtained material from Associated Transcriptions..I think I've seen some of the same Glenn Osser material and possibly Vic Damone on Muzak.

But I still don't see anything by Nathan Milstein on Silvertone.


Don Tait wrote:
I am way behind checking messages and hope it's not too late to respond to Roger Kulp's neat message, which I hope I've successfully forwarded.

I spent several years between 1989 and 1994 trying to compile a CSO discography. It finally had to be abandoned when nearly-then complete. But based upon what I learned I don't believe the "Chicago Philharmonic" was the CSO under a pseudonym. It could have been a pick-up or independent local group or perhaps an orchestra maintained by radio station WGN, which did a lot of classical music and even operatic broadcasting in the forties. The former soprano Marion Clare was a WGN executive.

There might be some people still living in Chicago who might know about this. You've reminded me that I must ask them.

Finally, I'd love too to know about the Enesco Silvertone records in particular. I'd guess pretty confidently that they mustn't have been been made in Chicago in 1946 or whenever because I've never read about him bring here at that time. But I could be wrong. And regarding Leinsdorf, is there any information about the Pilotone 78s conducted by him (Haydn Symphony 45 -- I don't have the numbers) and Grieg's Holberg Suite conducted by Rudolph Ganz (album set 301)? Both with the "Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra" and both 10".

I didn't know there were Milstein recordings on Silvertone.

Thanks for an interesting thread. If I learn anything about the "Chicago Philharmonic" I'll let you all know.

Don Tait


There is a complete (?) discography of the Silvertone record club on the web:

http://settlet.fateback.com/SRC.htm ,but it gives very little info,other than a listing.It doesn't even list the artists.
I would like further information about just how these records came about myself.For starters,what is the year on these records ? I have heard they are from around 1946.Is this correct ?Milstein had already recorded for Columbia,so these were of dubious legality.I am assuming the "Chicago Philharmonic" is the CSO,in a similar situation to that of "The Stadium Symphony Orchestra"at Everest,perhaps our friend Don Tait can enlighten us further ?The Leinsdorfs are not listed in most Leinsdorf discographies,either.

Some of the Leinsdorf,and Enesco sides,were compiled onto a budget Lp,issued by the Hollywood label,in1956,which I have.

I haven't thought about this label much,as I have not seen them that frequently.I believe I own two,a Leinsdorf,and a Milstein.

Roger Kulp

In trying to learn more about these records,I found this Nathan Milstein discograpy : http://my.dreamwiz.com/fischer/Milstein/discography-milstein.htm

"Russell W. Miller" <rwm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: As we have some Mercury expertise here, who knows the real story of
Silvertone Record Club, and what involvement Mercury or its principals might
have had?  Is there any documentation of session dates/locations,
particularly the Enescu and Leinsdorf records?  I have a Sears catalog from
1946 (Summer, as I recall) that doesn't list any records, but surely they
must have come along soon after.


Steven Smolian wrote:

As time and generations pass, a resource identifying first label of issue
and relese dates will be come increasingly necessary.   There is
a forty to
fifty year accumulation of LPs.  Since swe are all part of the generation
for whom they are a daily experience, we assume everyone knows and those
that follow will always know the lore relating to them.  But 50
years from
know, who will remember if the Mercury, Golden Import or World Series
release came first, perhaps had tube processing sound and was pressed on
quite material?  I'm already running into this with the small mono
companies.  And where did all tjose Mercury monos in the brown or green
covers come from?  Some came from U.S. Silvertones (the Enesco conducting
sides).  Are the performer names real on them? (not always.)

Now is the time to sum up.

Kurtz Myers "Index to Record Reviews" include his untanglings.
The "Record
Ratings" short version cover util c. 1956 (though it says later).  The
latter is around for c. $ 25, the former, 4 volumes at $ 500, the
supplements $ 100-200 per volume.  Or less, if you're lucky.  It covers
mostly classical releases.

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