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Re: [ARSCLIST] Britain: Gowers Report on Intellectual Property

"Steven C. Barr(x)" <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:    >Further, if that were the problem, it would be simple to enact
>legislation that required any reissue of a sound recording to
>include royaties to the artist at, say, the standard AFM rate.

  Perhaps, but when I consider what I would like to reissue, I could not afford to pay the standard AFM say for an orchestra recording and not go out of business...especially considering the sort of repertoire that interests me.
  >Perhaps, since multi-terabyte storage arrays are just around
>the corner (if they don't already exist?)...recording companies
>can simply set up a multi-owner operation to provide digital
>access to every sound recording that still exists in any form,
>at a reasonable per-copy price...with the income made thereby
>to be divided up among the partcipating recording owners
>according to their recordings having been accessed...?!

While the that possibility exists from a technology perspective, I would be amazed if it ever happens. With so much material never having been digitized and restored, who is going to pay for that to be done? Then there is the problem of finding enough qualified people to do the work.  When you think about it, there is really only a handful of people out there capable of doing quality work. Who is going to do all of this reformatting/restoration?

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