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[ARSCLIST] Anyone who purchased the new Soua Band Book from Univ of Ill. Press PLEASE Read

I was reading the book for review in my column last week and realized that  
the discography only went to 1900 though Sousa's Band recorded until 1930.
I wrote to the Publisher and asked if I had a defective copy as the pages  
were consecutively numbered.
The Publicity person said that I was first person to ask this and he'd get  
back to me. Well today I was told that the remaining pages were omitted in 
error  and they are going to reprint book but it won't be until January! Actually 
this  morning they got a note from Bierley who just noticed it too. Turns out 
I was  first to catch it.
Anyway, the publisher is trying to collect all the copies out there. So if  
you or your library have one, contact me off list (at Stevenrammataol.com -  
substitute the @ for "at") for the person to contact about returning them.
Steve Ramm

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