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Re: [ARSCLIST] Early stereo mass market tapes

Longines also put their brand on very early portable cassette/radio units, the precursors of the boombox. We're talking circa late 60's. Both my older brothers had them and they lasted for ages. In fact, I am pretty sure at least one of them lasted into the mid-70's because my oldest brother replaced it with a new Panasonic very early boombox when we were in Japan in 1975 and the working Longines was briefly in my possession until it stopped working. I never got the cash together to buy a mutha boombox and by the time I had steady after school income and wasn't buying recording equipment with every penny of it, the Walkman had been invented.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Lennick" <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Early stereo mass market tapes

David Breneman wrote:

--- Tom Fine <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The set I speak of is "Jack Benny's
> Golden Age of Radio," which included a lot of good snips of shows
> and Benny's sometimes funny commentary.

That was a great set.  I've got it somewhere.  It
really started the old-radio-on-LP craze, didn't it?
Although at about the same time a Seattle radio
station (KVI I think) broadcast a weekend-long
marathon called "The Audioboigraphy of Radio."
It was an awfully ambition undertaking - it may
have been syndicated. But the old radio's rennaisance
seemed to have started about that time.

It was certainly the only gathering of old time radio on record at a time when there was nothing but the lousy chopped-up version of War of the Worlds on Audio Rarities, and then Longines followed it up with the first good-sounding issue of WotW (the same master that subsequently appeared on Evolution and other labels and is still available from Radio Spirits and still has the same overlap where sides 1 & 2 were cross-faded in the transfer). But "Cat Wife" on that set was a disaster, sorry..over-acted and badly produced. The original from 1938 was infinitely better, although I don't know if it's ever appeared in good sound. Longines also put out a Golden Age of Comedy box that isn't as common as the radio set but was well produced.

My dad was a big Longines subscriber, but he mostly bought
the compilations.  Big boxed sets of best of Dean Martin,
best of Lawrence Welk, etc.  Also some individual albums
of compilations of pop songs from certain years.  I
saved a lot of those because they're very well made
although I've played practically none of them.  He had
a few of the elevator music sets like "Ebb Tide" which
I've never listened to.  I don't know if those are
original recordings or compilations.

There's a Harry James set that comes mostly from Capitols..otherwise I never bother with Longines sets.


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