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Re: [ARSCLIST] Back-catalog (was Columbia Studio/Warehouse Fire)

On 04/10/06, Steven Barr wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> I totally disagree but neither of us has any factual/market data to
>> discuss.
> Actually, I'm hoping you're right and I'm wrong! I'm giving serious
> thought to using my half-vast shellac archive to burn CD's (CD-R's)
> of ancient music...and I'd love to be surprised by the demand!

If you have material that is not already available from Frog, Hep,
Timeless, Old Hat, Pearl, ASV, etc then there will probably be a demand.

Especially if you do not over-process the sound.

Don Cox

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