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Re: [ARSCLIST] Back-catalog (was Columbia Studio/Warehouse Fire)

There has always been a great interest,in obscure material amoung younger buyers of rock,and R&B,usually of records decades older than the buyer.In the past this was due to compilation Lps,and CDs,such as the famous "Pebbles" series.YouTube marks the next step in this evolution.There is a stunning number of clips,up there,from the 60s,of bands,from all over the world,most of which were unknown outside of thier countries of origin.YouTube is a new adventure all the time,and it blows me away,just what is out there.
  Two of the finest examples,by people,who even I was unaware of,were:
  Even on those clips from the more famous acts,you see comments along the lines of "Wow my dad's generation had the greatest music." (!)
     I went to a record show last week,and the majority of the buyers looking for old rock/R&B,and 50s classical Lps,were under 25,some as young as 10 years old.CDs,and internet downloading,are viewed as ways to introduce onesself to the music,while the vinyl itself,is something special,and permanent.
     At this point in time,a lot of us really don't care what happens to what used to be called the major labels,or the record companies,as a whole.We don't need 'em anymore,screw them.Astute listeners,of all ages,realize,there is little,if any,new music of merit out there.The web,will always be there as a venue to listen to recordings,to see what they sound like.There are billions of used CDs out there,There will be new vinyl,which will increasingly be sold on the web,as boutique pieces,of limited quantities.I have bought a couple of such records myself,including some from well-known major artists,sold off thier websites.Dave Davies,of The Kinks,has been putting out private pressing CDs,selling these the same way.The record label/store model,will die a natural death,and there is no reason to keep it alive,by artificial means.
              Roger Kulp 
   ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steven Barr" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Back-catalog (was Columbia Studio/Warehouse Fire)

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Tom Fine" 
>> Do you think that we'll see a large amount of the more obscure (obscure = not
> economically viable as
>> a CD reissue) back-catalog material showing up exclusively at places like
> iTunes? And, do you think
>> there will be a big enough market to justify two tiers of quality for
> downloaded music -- the
>> mass-market lossy-compressed AAC and perhaps a slightly pricier "hifi" version
> in full CD quality
>> (in some as yet un-named copy-protected but full resolution format)?
> The definitive question here would be "How many potential customers
> are interested in music of the fairly-distant past ("fairly-distant"
> is here defined as "old enough NOT to be of nostalgic interest to
> the buyers) to point they would pay to hear it, or to have modern
> sound recordings of it?!
> With the exception of a handful of artists and tunes that have
> become more or less "iconic," I suspect an accurate answer
> would seem surprisingly low to those of us who are deeply
> involved in the 78-collecting hobby...
> Steven C. Barr

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