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Re: [ARSCLIST] Record Gunk

Dr. Goldman has miracle products as well, but Windex works wonderfully (say
that fast 3 times) because of the ammonia..just enough of it to affect the


Martin Fisher wrote:

> Never tried DLs Windex method but have found that lacquers clean up quite
> nicely with "Parks" Mineral Spirits.  Never given me a problem yet.
> Martin
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: David Lennick
>   To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>   Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 2:37 PM
>   Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Record Gunk
>   Christie Peterson wrote:
>   > We have a 33 1/3 rpm record from 1958 with what can only be described as
>   > white gunk all over the surface.  I'm looking for diagnoses and/or
>   > advice about what to do with it (other than don't play it, which is
>   > impossible in its current condition anyhow).
>   >
>   > I've posted pictures here:
>   > http://abacus.bates.edu/Library/aboutladd/departments/special/Disc.jpg
>   >
> http://abacus.bates.edu/Library/aboutladd/departments/special/GunkUpClose.jpg
>   > http://abacus.bates.edu/Library/aboutladd/departments/special/Sleeve.jpg
>   >
>   > We rubbed a small amount of the stuff off from the blank surface near
>   > the label (visible in the pictures).  It came off fairly easily, and had
>   > a waxy texture.
>   >
>   > This disc has been stored alongside a number of others that are all
>   > fine, so I'm guessing this is something to do with the initial
>   > manufacturing process, but not sure.  Based on the label, I wouldn't be
>   > surprised if this was some sort of instantaneous recording disc.
>   >
>   > Thanks!
>   >
>   > --
>   Does it feel as if it has an aluminum base and does it have at least one
> extra
>   hole visible under the label (possibly 3)? If so, it's definitely an
>   instantaneous disc and these often turn white, from palmitic acid exuded
> from the
>   lacquer coating. Windex (original, Blue, no generic imitations) works on
>   these..try some on a blank portion of the disc if there is one. Shpritz on,
> wipe
>   off, rinse with distilled water. And hope that cleaning the disc doesn't
> reveal
>   flaking of the lacquer coating.
>   Wrote this before looking at the image..if I had, I'd have seen the word
>   "Soundcraft" on the sleeve behind the disc, which confirms everything I
> wrote
>   above. Soundcrap discs are notorious for this stuff.
>   dl

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