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Re: [ARSCLIST] "All hail the analogue revolution..."

It's weird....

Konrad Strauss wrote:

on 9/22/06 12:25 PM, Roger and Allison Kulp at thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

As someone who has never owned a CD,or a CD player,this just
confirms what I have known,about this abysmal format for over 20 years.It's
physically ugly to look at,unlike vinyl,and sounds like crap.No amount of
tweaking;gold CDs, SACD,24 bit mastering (ROFL),ad nauseum,has been able to
improve on an innately flawed format.

Just when I'm about to buy a SACD player, I hear once again that it's no good or on its way out. Someone please reassure me.

I'm curious, in what way is CD, and by extension digital recording, innately flawed?

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