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Re: [ARSCLIST] Registry of Digital Masters

On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, steven c wrote:

> First...consider that it is possible, at this point, to make a digital
> copy of ANYTHING (excepting a solid object...)!

Well...just to play devil's advocate...I marvelled at a guy here on campus
who scanned a dinosaur egg, had a computer driven modeling device make a
copy of the skeleton inside and then digitally put the bones together and
then made a model from that digital image...

> but probably not HUMANLY possible!" To begin with, we would need
> to separate (figurative) "wheat" from "chaff"...and that can actually
> only be done in hindsight!

Or with some good guessing based upon a strong subject expertise...and
strong subject expertise is a notion not valued in libraries these days.

> And who is going to catalog the archive...

I would wager that our production of "valuable" information easily exceeds
(I would guess at least to the power of 100) our ability (especially using
our out dated modalities like OCLC---I really do like pointing out how central
that mindset is a detriment to society) to catalog it.


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