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Re: [ARSCLIST] Advice on cassette decks?

on 8/31/06 1:40 PM US/Central, Craig Breaden at breaden@xxxxxxx wrote:

> I am embarking on a fairly large project involving digitization of
> audiocassettes.  I have what I think will be a decent signal path set up,
> but there's one very weak link in my chain.  None of the players in my
> archive have an azimuth control.  I have three questions:
> - is it possible to adjust for azimuth in some other way?

There is equipment available to do 'azimuth correction' electronically, but
it's not a complete substitute for mechanical adjustment. Electronic
'azimuth adjustment' is often done **after** the mechanical adjustment, so
you can more effectively combine left and right channels of mono program
material to get better s/n ratio.

> - is Nakamichi my best or only choice if I'm looking for this capability?

No, see http://jbrtech.com/products.html. However, the JBR units are built
to order, are fairly expensive, and have other capabilities you may not

> - does anybody have a recommendation on where I should buy? If I have to go
> with ebay, I'll need to make a fairly strong argument to our accounts folks
> to make that plunge ("ebay" is anathema to them), so if there are some ebay
> stores that you rate highly, that info would be helpful too.

You don't need to go to eBay, unless you must bottom fish and are willing to
take chances on what you get.

About four years ago Nakamichi (US) recommended that we try

1807 Berlin Turnpike
Wethersfield, Connecticut  06109  USA
VOICE & FAX 860-529-3700
Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm ET

The contact there is Jeff Galin.

Because of certain design errors committed by the US Army Corps of Engineers
in our previous location, we recently bought another Nakamichi cassette deck
from ESL.

Some people prefer the Nakamichi Dragon, while others like the Nakamichi
CR-7A. I prefer the CR-7A, and ESL provides them with speed control at
additional cost. In my experience, the CR-7As are more reliable. The Dragon
features an automatic azimuth adjustment.
Parker Dinkins
MasterDigital Corporation
CD Mastering + Audio Restoration

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