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Re: [ARSCLIST] Cataloguing still :-)--was: Cataloguing again--ARSC responsibility?

On Wed, 30 Aug 2006, steven c wrote:

> It will be interesting to see how Google fares with their idea of
> "digitize every book we can get away with and set up a search engine
> therefor!" iTunes (and its ilk) create their half-vast music files by
> offering compressed versions, as well as (being "pay-to-play" operations)
> charging for each one downloaded. This, of course, defeats the idea of
> a "public" library/system...but may be forced on those by authors and
> other creators, and/or copyright law changes. Remember. this is the
> XXI Jahrhundert...and money isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing!

Which of course outlines some very basic challenges to libraries. Assuming
they still care about providing free access to the public, how will they
do that in the digital information environment, especially as they seem to
be trying to become publishers by digitizing holdings. I really don't
understand what library administrators see as the future of libraries.

> Very true! Everything from the "Silence" signs (and the standard stereotype
> of librarians "Shh-h-h"ing clients) to the idea of rows of books all neatly
> in order according to their assigned call numbers suggests that. In fact,
> I've often wondered if many librarians wouldn't be much happier if no one
> ever actually USED their books...!

If you ever had to shelve a book truck full of thin music scores, you
would prefer nobody ever used the stuff...especially when the sole
differentiation between items can be found after reading a call number
with some obscure cutter number followed by decimal points. Again, for me,
another example of how librarians make their own lives miserable.

> However, libraries
> at educational institutions will continue to exist...and, in fact,
> be necessary...as long as research and writing skills remain part
> of the curriculum (which, it seems to me, they must!).

Having spent many years teaching freshman classes with a major writing
component, yes writing skills remain a major consideration at many
institutions, however at ours, there have been substantial changes over
the years, placing writing as an ever lower priority...however, we can now
boast of having the world's largest electronic scoreboard for our
stadium...of course, what else would you expect at the institution which
was recently voted THE party school in the nation...

 Further, those
> libaries that choose to specialize in one particular area of information
> (i.e. Bowling Green State U. for US Popular Culture, as well as other
> noted schools for historic studies and documents), and thus provide one
> place where this area can be accessed, will probably continue to
> function.

Which is a point I have raised with our director, a point which seems to
have no interest to him...remember, this is the guy who places no value on
preservation skills and points to installing coffee bars as a measure of
his success...

 However, "Joe Gabroni" (my mythical everyman) will more and
> more think he can get all the information he needs via his TV set
> and his web browser (fortunately, both require at least SOME literacy,
> so that will continue to be a necessity!) so why should he pay taxes
> to support a library he never sets foot in?

Well, I think we all would agree we need to have hospitals even if we
never have to set foot in one, however, what if nobody set foot in a
hospital...At our University library, the use statistics are down as are
our circulation statistics, by even a larger percentage...further, I would
wager, if one were to close the library study areas and open up all of the space for
books, the use statistics would drop substantially more.

Eleven years ago my wife finished up a degree in business from our
University...not once did she use the library...she was an A student.

>From my perspective, our library wastes a great deal of money...not just
by the use of MARC, but in so many other ways...They won't be getting
anything from my estate, nor, in good conscience, can I encourage anyone
else to donate.

It seems like, as with our new $8M jumbotron...fluff, at the expense of


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