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Re: [ARSCLIST] Cassette speeds, was Can 78s sound better than LPs?

I believe Dobly ref is 400Hz, but for speed adjustment 5k is a lot easier to read on a frequency meter, according to my experience running a realtime duplication line with 50 Sonys double decks. Higher freq resolves faster...

Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Aug 28, 2006, at 8:00 AM, Mike Richter wrote:

I should think anyone dealing professionally with cassettes would have a Dolby reference tape. Though I'm a rank amateur, I have a pair of them and have used them often in setting up decks to transfer tapes. IIRC, the tone is 1 KHz, but regardless of the frequency it is recorded at reference level and the two (from different sources) continue to check out against one another after decades of occasional use.


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