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Re: [ARSCLIST] Can 78s sound better than LPs?

On 26/08/06, David Breneman wrote:
> --- Lou Judson <loujudson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> By the way, while we have some animated discussion as we do the
>> work, I 
>> never dispute that he can hear the differences. I may say, I have
>> not 
>> heard the difference, to which he responds, but have you compared
>> them? 
>> I say a simple no, without mentioning that I do not have a refined 
>> listening room nor the gear to do a true A-B-X comparison.
> So, now that the expensive-cable magic is encoded onto the
> CD, will he still be able to hear the difference if the CD is
> played back with cheaper cables?  I'm wondering if it works
> kinda like dbx...   :-)

If we suppose that the magic cable audibly reduces distortion, then yes,
the CD made with the cable should be audibly less distorted than the one
made without it.

The question mark is over the theory that the cables are the problem,
rather than the electronic circuits in the various boxes.

Don Cox

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