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Re: [ARSCLIST] Podcasting--explained a bit...

On 26/08/06, steven c wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Lou Judson" <loujudson@xxxxxxx>
>> Yes - who remembers that Caruso sold more records than anyone, which 
>> Bob Ohllson brought to my attention. Do I have that right, Bob? More 
>> than the Beatles?
> I would doubt that...if only because of the existence of Bing Crosby,
> whose recording of "White Christmas" sold (IIRC) over 20 million
> copies!
> Next question, of course, would be how many recordings Caruso (or
> Bing) has sold within, say, the last decade? Certainly, Crosby CD's
> still sell (though not, I suspect, in huge quantities)...but has
> anyone under 21 ever heard of (let alone gives a sour owl for) Enrico
> Caruso?!

Ward Marston's complete Caruso edition for Naxos is likely to have sold
at least ten thousand copies per disc. Naxos seem to expect sales of 20
or 30 thousand on their CDs, and I doubt if they would have completed
the series if sales were disappointing.

I guess most of the sales for this kind of material are in China, Korea and

> Worse yet, Michael Jackson has to fit in that list someplace...

Don Cox

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