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Re: [ARSCLIST] Podcasting--explained a bit...

steven c wrote:

Because collectors of "modern" phonorecords...45/LP on up, including
digitalia...are usually "ultimate completists!" While I'll gladly
settle for, merely, a copy of every extant 78...they want a copy of
their favourite recordings, artists, genres, usw. in EVERY format in which they ever appeared...and sometimes from every country where
they were sold as well (and, to make it worse, bootleg copies of as
many live performances as were recorded...video if possible...)!

And yet, that's not so mad as it may seem.

There were wonderful performances issued in abominable sound in the U.S. on Angel in their nadir, say the early 1960s. In some cases, the prerecorded tapes - at 3.75 ips - were better in some respects though not in high frequencies or noise level. The cassette release sometimes was better, but the ideal was to find the German and English pressings of the LPs. The German sound was a bit plummy, but rich where the U.S. was hollow; HMV had a cleaner balance, usually better than either for equalization though typically somewhat compressed relative to the Columbia (but not as badly as the Angel). In many cases, the CD release finally achieved full dynamic range with balanced equalization.

London/Decca had related problems except that in trying to pull highs that are not on the master tapes, the CD release is nearly unlistenable. The Decca LPs and the prerecorded London tapes were the best solution, but the open-reel tapes did not hold up.

These are for the same master recording and where the performance was worth the expense, I went for many and in some cases all the releases I could get.


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