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Re: [ARSCLIST] Podcasting--explained a bit...

> On Aug 25, 2006, at 12:13 PM, Tom Fine wrote:
> > Roger, any insights as to WHY this would be bid up like this? What 
> > myth could possibly be associated with this digi-compressed format vs. 
> > the CD or the original LP? What's next, $100 mass-duped cassettes?
Because collectors of "modern" phonorecords...45/LP on up, including
digitalia...are usually "ultimate completists!" While I'll gladly
settle for, merely, a copy of every extant 78...they want a copy of
their favourite recordings, artists, genres, usw. in EVERY format 
in which they ever appeared...and sometimes from every country where
they were sold as well (and, to make it worse, bootleg copies of as
many live performances as were recorded...video if possible...)!

So, if your second grand-nephew once removed smuggled his recording
Walkman into a live concert by, say, "Steven C. Barr and his Skae's
Corners Melodians" (actually, not true...I'm not that collectible,
at least currently!) you could mass-duplicate that recording and
make whole piles and stacks of money selling the results on eBay!

Steven C. Barr

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