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Re: [ARSCLIST] Can 78s sound better than LPs?

Hi Lou:

Of course, the first order of business -- especially in a case where no real harm is being done to the sound or your reputation -- is to smile and tell the client he's absolutely right!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lou Judson" <loujudson@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Can 78s sound better than LPs?

Yes, Tom, but just imagine using the original deck AND the special cables! The client is ecstatic. I get credit too. Just by doing what he wants, which is the simplest thing.

Now if he made me buy the cables to use with his material that would be
a different kettle of fish...

By the way, while we have some animated discussion as we do the work, I
never dispute that he can hear the differences. I may say, I have not
heard the difference, to which he responds, but have you compared them?
I say a simple no, without mentioning that I do not have a refined
listening room nor the gear to do a true A-B-X comparison.

A fellow engineer I once worked with who was an audiophile on his own
time, told me that the reason I couldn't hear the differences was
because I didn't have $40,000 speakers... Well, the proof of my audio
pudding is what the client and their customers hear in the product - an
audio CD. Never get complaints on the results!


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Aug 25, 2006, at 11:49 AM, Tom Fine wrote:

Oy, the silver wires crowd. We flayed and paddled that whole universe of hokum on the Ampex List a while back. An aptly named character, Ms. Crock, put up a sorry fight for her "deep frozen" cables. The slitheriest of snakes sell this audio-junk. On par with the $50 wooden "audio damping" knob.

Using the original tape machine, especially with cassettes, and a direct signal path will beat any claims on any cable any day.

-- Tom Fine=

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