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Re: [ARSCLIST] seeking a semi-obscure article


According to their online catalog, LC has the full run of Texas Quarterly from 1958-1978, and according to WorldCat around 526 other libraries also have it. You should be able to walk into your closest library and either find it there or request it through interlibrary loan, if other avenues don't work.

Alec McLane

At 04:26 PM 8/15/2006, Tom Fine wrote:
KEITH BOTSFORD: "'The 'Seven Lively Arts': A Case-Study in Highbrow
Television" in the Texas Quarterly, Winter 1959, V. II, no. 4

My contact at the LOC says they don't have this magazine. Anyone have a copy of this magazine or article? I just want to read it, so scan or photocopy or passenger pigeon is fine.

-- Tom Fine

Alec McLane
Scores & Recordings/
World Music Archives Phone: (860) 685-3899
Olin Library Fax: (860) 685-2661
Wesleyan University mailto:amclane@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Middletown, CT 06459 http://www.wesleyan.edu/libr/srhome/srdir.htm

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