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[ARSCLIST] Soundtrack Pro help...
Any users of Soundtrack Pro out there? I'm 99% sure that the ADC I'm
using (Mackie Onyx 1220 w/FireWire card) is outputting a 24 bit stream
into the Mac, and I'm 99% sure that the Mac system software (an eMac
running OS X) is configured to accept a 24 bit stream. Trouble is, I'm
having a devil of a time being sure that Soundtrack is actually
ingesting data at 24 bits. Once it's in and "recorded"--i.e. once you
start recording, input the bits you want and then hit the "stop"
button--the "details" tab for the file states it as being 16bit. When
you export it to a stand alone file it's more than happy to do so at
24bit, but I assume then It's just throwing in some new digits--it's
very vexing.
Unlike my usual DAW software (Adobe Audition) when you set Soundtrack to
"record to a new file" (apparently the command one needs to use to
ingest an external digital stream to be able to save it as a separate
file) it only provides an option of selecting an input sample rate,
there's no mention of input bit depth.
I'm going a bit nuts over this.
I've tried some substitute software but since we're mostly PC around
here the options are slim--I can't manage to get Audacity to even see
the ADC, and Amadeus is having some other troubles of its own. The
machine I'm using (a donated eMac) doesn't have Garageband loaded on,
which would be my next try.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Andy Kolovos
Vermont Folklife Center
3 Court Street ; P.O. Box 442
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-4964
akolovos @ vermontfolklifecenter.org